An Airbus transnational team event in the SQSG facilities

The 27th of June, the SQSG has received for the first time in the life of this sport society, and probably the whole history of “sport quilles”, an Airbus transnational organization (Germany, England and UK) in the frame of its 2 days team event.
The Airbus Team Event has been orgaized by Serge SENAC
After the unaffordable morning workshop, it has been for them the opportunity to discover a new sport, the so called “Quilles de Huit” in french, or said in English, the “Quiiill de ouit”

The challenge started for the organizers by trying to find the right English wording to explain the rules such as how to maintain the ball, play with the “quillou” (which became instantaneously a transnational word!) or even the importance of the “bonne” (“the good”, or even “la Buena” as there were also some Spanish guys)

Once the groups organized, and after a short warming, they all started discovering the pleasure playing this sport requiring agility and technic, the pleasure of seeing pins flying around when bitted by the ball and, of course, the pleasure to re-set them on the bases (called "taquet")...

They all have had also the opportunity to try playing “Quilles au Maillet”, which was also new for all of them.

Scores haven’t been collected, but has been recorded that, despite some “buffes” (0 points) the players were improving at every tries. We have also seen some good strikes, such as a eight at 10 meters (8 points)!
The storm...

Only the threatening coming storm decided them to move to the next step of the day: 
the diner with a traditional “menu Aveyronnais” including "Aligot-saucisse" and the well-known “Tripoux” accompanied by local wines and cheeses.

Diner time...

Let’s guess that, after the positive feedbacks received at the end of day, this kind of even could be re-iterated soon….

The Apéro time...


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